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WebGL webserver 설정 (apache), gz배포일 경우

by 모닝위즈 2021. 12. 30.
# httpd.conf in WEB GL =================================
<IfModule mod_mime.c>

# The following lines are required for builds without decompression fallback, compressed with gzip
RemoveType .gz
AddEncoding gzip .gz
AddType application/octet-stream .data.gz
AddType application/wasm .wasm.gz
AddType application/javascript .js.gz
AddType application/octet-stream .symbols.json.gz

# The following lines are required for builds without decompression fallback, compressed with Brotli
RemoveType .br
RemoveLanguage .br
AddEncoding br .br
AddType application/octet-stream .data.br
AddType application/wasm .wasm.br
AddType application/javascript .js.br
AddType application/octet-stream .symbols.json.br

# The following line improves loading performance for uncompressed builds
AddType application/wasm .wasm

# Uncomment the following line to improve loading performance for gzip-compressed builds with decompression fallback
# AddEncoding gzip .unityweb
# Uncomment the following line to improve loading performance for brotli-compressed builds with decompression fallback
# AddEncoding br .unityweb


위 내용은 httpd.conf 파일에 보기 좋은 위치에 잘 넣으면 됨.


혹시라도 TOMCAT(WAS서버)가 존재하는 경우 

# vhost in setting
# =================================
JkUnMount /*.wasm homepage
JkUnMount /*.gz homepage


wasm과 gz를 JkUnMount를 해주어 WEB서버가 처리를 할 수 있도록 하여야한다.


